Wednesday, October 16, 2013

EOC Tobacco Advertisment

1. Determine the scenario: What happens in this frame?
 A man and a woman are face to face while the woman is staring at the man he is blowing cigarette smoke right into her face.
2. What is the setting? What are the conditions?

 The setting is two people a male and female talking, and the conditions are that they are really close and personal
3. Who are the people or groups?

 The people seem to be in their twenties, young adults.
4. What is their point of view around this specific experience?

 Their point of view is that the cigarettes they sell smell good and are pleasing to women.
5. What are their goals?

 To convince men that the smell and smoke of their brand of cigarettes doesnt offend a woman, in fact she will like it so much she will follow you anywhere.
6. What are their assumptions? What are their perceptions?

 Their assumptions are that men will buy more of this brand as to not offend woman but attract them while smoking in close proximity of them, The perceptions are that the smoke from the cigarette is pleasing and not bothersome.
7. Are there conflicts? Is there cooperation?

 The conflict would be blowing smoke into someones face, however there is cooperation because the young woman is not bothered by the smell nor the fact hes blowing it right in her face.
8. What are the outcomes?

 The outcomes are that the cigarette brand is pleasant to smoke around people and that the smell is even attractive.

To evaluate the ad i would say it is a great ad for their company. Nobody likes the smell of cigarettes especially when the smoke is blown in your face. But to convince buyers that not only does the smoke smell pleasant is also attracts women. I personally smoke and dont like the smell of smoke but some cigars or flavored cigarettes are pleasing to smell, however smoke in the face is totally different. I dont think you could ever convince someone that smoke in the face is attractive, period.

Now as for the ad on the right, is all about being ethically wrong. First the ad is advertising belvedere vodka. what they did wrong was show a man who obviously looks under the influence of alcohol smiling as he is grabbing a woman who is obviously uncomfortable with him. Not only is he just grabbing her, he is doing so in a very sexual way which gives of vibes that the young woman is trying to flee and he is about to rape her. Also with the words "Unlike some people, Belvedere Always goes down smoothly," is implying that the alcohol is smoother than raping or molest a woman who does not want to be, nor in agreement with sexual contact. Overall the ad is very disturbing because the words, the setting, everything about this add is ethically wrong. The fact it is comparing drinking alcohol to rape is totally outrageous.

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