Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Fashion in the 60s

Fashion in the 60s was very conservative, men wore flannel suites and women wore form fitting conservative dresses. The rules were very strict according gender. in order to be taken serious you wore a suit. women dressed up to pleased their husbands. the Kennedys changed a lot in fashion, Kennedy didn't wear a hat to his inauguration even though hats were part of the suit back then, so in doing so he single handedly changed fashion for men, and Jackie Kennedy brought a more streamed line look for women. suits and dresses were very plain until patterns came out and started a new fashion trend. women started to wear heavy eye makeup as well as oversized dresses. everything in the 60s was big and bold, women's clothes started to show more skin. the mini skirt came out and changed a lot for the fashion world. men's clothing became more sleeker, and form fitting. the slime fitting clothes for men came from a French influence. also art started to be printed on clothes instead of plain, or patterns. women started actually wearing pants, and pants suits. because of the war and woman's protests, the hair grew longer and so did hem lines, hence the hippies were born. The look went to modern to very laid back care free. overall it shows that events or famous people influenced the clothing through the years. in the late 60s they used the influence of the hippies created colorful patterns for clothes. fashion started to become a way to express yourself. overall from the late 50s to the early 70s fashion took so many different looks on because of all the liberation, protests, wars, and other major influences.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Ted Talks: gamer girl about life

She talked about adding 7 minutes to your life but started out with the top 5 regrets of dying. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard, wish I stayed in touch with friends, wish I let myself be happier, wish I had the courage to express my true self, wish I lived a life true to my dreams instead of what others expected of me. All of those regrets are the death bed regrets most commonly heard by hospice workers or others in that field. She also talked about how playing video games meets all these regrets pretty much. For example games help you take life easy and relax, they help you stay connected with people, online games can actually help with some medical problems better than medicine, and avatars are a great way to express ones self in a positive way. She went on to how she developed a game due to help her cope with her own accident that would make her feel better instead of having suicidal thoughts and suffering. She went on to introuduce others to the game with other sickness and it has helped them too. Also she talked about post traumatic growth, its pretty much positive growth after a traumatic experience. All of the traits of post traumatic growth are the complete opposite of the death regret list. And lastly she said that regularly achieving the 3 to 1 ratio you can live 10 yrs. longer. The 3 to 1 ratio is doing three positve things or something of that sort to balance out the bad. Overall it was a great speech and makes a lot of since and maybe useful to my own personal experiences.

Ted Talk show on body language

The talk host was explaining what body language or nonverbal actions are as well as the effects of different kinds. She mentioned that based on our body language a lot of disicions are made. From job interviews to just talking to people, our body  language can say a lot about who we are or what we are feeling. An example she gave was that like in ads if you see a person smiling, it makes you kind of feel happy, just because the persons nonverbal body language. She also went on to explain about nonverbal expressions of power and dominance. People with a lot of power usually are spread wide, basically relaxed and very confident with their body language, whereas people of the opposite tend to curl up and make themselves seem smaller. She said that non verbals govern how people think and feel about us, and also our nonverbal governs how we think and feel about ourselves. overall i think it was a great presentation about nonverbal body language, and i feel Ive learned a little bit that may be useful in life when it comes to making decisions as well.